If you would like to send me a private message please email me at anneking_kindlifeadventure@hotmail.com

I am happy to answer any and all questions and to keep a more private conversation for those who don't like posting in comments :) Luv and Stuff, Anne

Friday, April 16, 2010

OH MY.... Buying a ...SWIMSUIT!!

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Oh my, Oh My! What a day I had today. Talking about putting on a brave face! I will explain... Today I had a phone call from my work... and tomorrow I have to take my clients swimming. Which is really wonderful for my clients, they LOVE to swim... However me... NOT SO MUCH. It's not even the swimming that I'm worried about. It's that I haven't bought a swimsuit in over 4 years and now, at my glorious highest weight ever, definitely did not want to! So I of course tried weaseling my way out of it, with no success! So to the store I went...

I took my little cousin (who is up visiting with my grandparents. She's a great kid. She and I roamed the shopping mall looking for what would of course be my glorious new swimsuit! It of course had to be somewhat stylish! lol.. Good Luck right! I ended up getting a wonderful vintage/halter style one ... very Marilyn Esq... too bad I'm not the right shape! But soon will be! I am telling you now my little round body is not ready for display at the local pool... but here I go! lol Jumping in head first... which seems to be my new style! lol

Emotions = Terrified!!!!!
Nerves = Completely Shot! lol
Confidence = 0

Am I scared... Hell Yeah! Am I a bit excited... actually I kind of am? How sick and twisted does that make me? lol...

Anyways here is my meal plan today:


1 cup Oatmeal
1/2 cup mixed berries

Snack: No Snack... too full from breakfast! lol


Veggie Wrap in whole wheat flax wrap with vegan honey mustard dressing
Side Salad


10 Almonds
2 Baby Zucchini


Going out for Italian... I will let you know how it goes tomorrow! lol...

Anyways wish me luck on my swim! lol.. and I will emerge from the dark side a new woman! ....lol... Until then my friends!

Luv Anne... <3

Ps... How is everyone else doing?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life Interrupted! Being Prepared when it matters Most!

"Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes!" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Hi Ladies!

Sorry I have been away from the computer for a few days! Work has been getting in the way! I've been having to work a couple of double shifts! So it's been NUTS and I'm a bit exhausted!

My diet has kind of followed my work schedule... a little crazy and all over the place and only consistent because I had made my meals in advance! I can tell you this:
Breakfast has consisted of Granola and fruit and soy yogurt.

Lunch mainly salad with beans and nuts

Dinner was pretty much the same... salad and veggies and lots of grilled sweet potatoes and mushrooms...

Snacks were almonds and fruit or veggies!

Not at all exciting! But I've been running around like a mad woman so it's nice to finally have a minute to myself. You see here's another thing about me that you should know... I am totally a creature of habit, so I can literally eat the same thing every day and be ok with it! I know, not appealing to most! lol But in a rush I never have to worry about what to eat! lol... Another thing that's saved me this week has been pre-making EVERYTHING. I literally have a fridge full of cut up veggies and fruit, prepared salad and even containers full of pre-counted almonds and other nut mixes as well as pre-measured beans (for the salads). It's a LIFE SAVER! No joke! I swear it's what has kept my behind on track this week! lol

Although Ice cream is still calling my name... I have not yet broken down, and don't plan to. However (I cheated and bought some soy ice cream...just in case!) I do have relatives coming tonight (grandparents) so if I'm not blogging this next week regularly everyday that is why, and I am apologizing a head of time! Although I'll try to get on here asap!

So my life lesson for the week... you guessed it... being prepared ahead of time! For all of you that might find it had and easy to give in in a moment of weakness, I highly suggest preparing a few days in advance at a time. Plan out your meals and have everything ready so if life gets in the way, there is no room to say "I accidentally slipped" or "I just didn't have time"... If you make the time, it seems it's not as easy to fall off the wagon! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Food Food and more... food :)

"If we're not willing to settle for junk living, we certainly shouldn't settle for junk food" - Sally Edwards

Yummy Indian food! LOVE IT! This was actually brought up with one of my followers (shout out to Gloria for the amazing idea). She was telling me what she had had for lunch and it was..you guessed it... Indian food! Which happens to be one of my FAVORITES! So My hubby and I went out and grabbed some wonderful dinner (the picture above is not what we had but it looked pretty similar, i really have to get my camera out! I know), and although I abstained from the Heaven in your mouth that is known as Butter Chicken... I did have some GREAT eats:


We ordered Assorted Mini Samosas for appies, I had the veggies ones with Hot sauce for dipping... SOOOOOOOO GOOD!

Main Course:

Chana Masala (Spicy Chickpeas)
Baigan Ka Bharta (Eggplant Curry)


Too Full! lol.. Which was probably a good thing because I'm still detoxing from sugar and probably would have eaten the menu if the food wasn't so good! lol ;)

It was like heaven in my mouth and I think I might just be saying that because I was flipping out from detox and it settled some inner part of me that was screaming "FEED ME!!!!" lol, but it was good and much needed! If you like Indian food, I highly suggest having some tonight! ;)

Before that though...

3/4 cup "Crocodile Granola"
1 cup mixed Fruit


Assorted veggies
Hummus for dipping


1 cup butternut squash soup
Large Green Salad
topped with lentils and roasted red pepper dressing
(the only reason I had no grains is because I knew I was having a massive dinner! sorry girls! It's still a work in progress! lol)

Remember most things I eat are organic (Everything at home) the only things that are not are the food when I go out, and only if the restaurant doesn't serve organic, but even then we try to find restaurants that do, but it sometimes proves to be very difficult! :)

Anyways, until tomorrow!
Much Love, Anne <3 ... xoxo

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ...

"I have the choice of being constantly active and happy or introspectively passive and sad. Or I can go mad by ricocheting in between." — Sylvia Plath

That quote above describes EXACTLY how I have been feeling this week after starting my "Kind Diet." In the book Alicia describes the first week as being pretty much a free for all with your emotions as your body detoxes... and she was RIGHT!!!! I have to say I have never been so up and so down and so suspended in between all at the same time (or so it seems)! lol

I have to tell you... My name is Anne, and I am a sugar addict! lol.. and apparently my body is not as happy with my life change as I would like it to be! Even my brain today was like "HAVE THAT DAMN ICE CREAM BEFORE I JUMP OUT OF YOUR HEAD AND EAT IT MYSELF!!!" lol...

So please, if any of you have been going through or have gone through this, please let me know! lol... because I pretty much feel like I'm normal 80% of the time and on my way to a straight jacket the other 20% lol ...

So anyways, other than that I'm feeling pretty good. My body anyways. Alicia is right in the book... this diet gets your bowels on track! And the rest of your body kind of follows suit. It's all been great, besides my mood swings, so hopefully that will be over with soon... it says 10 days for sugar detox right?... Here's to hoping!

Luv Anne... <3

Food for Thought

"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking, if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity." -Voltaire

So I realised that I forgot to post yesterdays meal plan, so I will start with today's and then list yesterdays :)


Strawberry Smoothie made with tofu and almond milk


10 Almonds
1 Pear


1/2 Roasted Sweet Potato
Small Mixed Green salad with sun dried tomato vinaigrette


Pumpkin Seeds , small handful


Veggie Stir fry


Mixed Berries and granola


Spinach Salad


1/2 cup granola


1/2 Roasted Sweet Potato
1 Cup Kale&Bok Choy Sauteed with Cashews, EVOO and Garlic

So there you have it. Tomorrow I am going to try out the super hero plan and see how it works for me. I don't really eat that much processed foods right now, so it should be ok... we will see how it goes! lol...

Just a quick question, eating on the super hero plan, can you still have salad dressing if it is organic? I am either blind or I missed that part in "The Kind Diet" so if any of you know and could let me know it would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks Girls!

Anne ... xoxo

Friday, April 9, 2010

Support Systems

“A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.” - Grace Pulpit

I must touch on a subject that, for the most part, I think most of us struggle with. Support for our lifestyle from the people around us. I have been blessed with a wonderful and understanding husband. He supports me in anything I do, whether I succeed or fail. And, if I do happen to fail, he picks me up, dusts me off, and gives me a hug and lets me know that everything is going to be OK. I consider myself lucky in that regard as I have my best friend in my husband and am 100% supported in everything I do.

However, what I have noticed is this, the world is not only not supportive in our lifestyle, but not very accommodating as well. Do you find your friends or family (in my case my extended family) telling you that "You're Crazy" or "What the hell is the point in that?" You see I come from a meat and potatoes kind of family. The kind of family that drinks milk with dinner, and dinner consists of a big slab of meat and a few veggies on the side... usually potatoes or corn or carrots or peas! lol

My family and I are close. I went grocery shopping with my mom the other day. The entire time we went shopping she criticized pretty much everything I bought. Please don't get me wrong. My mother is a wonderful, beautiful person! She just doesn't seem to understand 1: Eating Organic or 2: The Vegan Lifestyle! Everything I picked up at the market she was like, "Well, you should just buy this one it's cheaper, don't worry about it being organic..." or "I just don't understand, you should be eating meat, you can't live off veggies and nuts forever, and it's way more expensive to be buying all those veggies!"

After we were done shopping we went out for a coffee (yes I still drink coffee! lol). I sat there and I tried explaining to her about this book and about the lifestyle. I told her my reasons why I wanted to be vegan. Not only the weight loss but the moral integrity of the lifestyle. I talked to her about how I already feel better and how my body is already changing (bowels and digestion mainly). But she just didn't get and she chalked it up to "Another fad diet." So to say the least I'm giving up my battle with my family over my decision. I have raised the white flag and now I am just agreeing to disagree on the topic. Sad right?

It's OK. I have found that not everyone is going to agree. Not everyone understands. This is, however, the first time in my life where my eating habits have been met with resistance from my family and friends. It is the strangest thing!

I guess it's NOT that we, as vegans or maybe even vegetarians, are not prepared for the world and all its challenges, but perhaps the world is not quite prepared for us. So to all my vegan/vegetarian friends out there know this, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Although our journeys or goals may be different, the overall message remains the same. And know that I am here, and there are others out there that will be your leaning post, your virtual shoulder to cry on, and your ear to listen. I know some of us aren't as blessed in even having one person who supports what we are going through and others have all the support in the world. To those who don't have support know we are here and to those who have the added support maybe you could be that shoulder for somebody who needs it...

I'm here and I'm not going anywhere :)

Luv Always, Anne <3 xoxo

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" - Robin Williams

Today was the day that I began my dreaded spring cleaning! Unlike the quote above, I did not feel at all like partying! lol... However the weather was the only one who seemed to have a sense of humor today, and it began to snow... ALL DAY!

It was very interesting day today! And to be honest I'm not in my usual chipper mood! lol.. Probably all the organizing and cleaning, it's thrown me for a loop! lol ;) (We'll just say that, it sounds better than saying I'm just being moody!lol)

So here was my meal plan today:


10 Almonds
1 cup Strawberries
1 Kiwi


Large Mixed green salad and pine nut mixture with veggies and Roasted Red Pepper Dressing


Sweet Potato & Cauliflower Mash
Sauteed Mushrooms and Tofu
Small Green Salad

I know I'm bad... no snacks today! I'm lucky I remembered to eat in general! lol... my head is somewhere else entirely! So I am apologizing ahead of time!

Anyways hopefully I'll be back in a better mood tomorrow! So here's to tomorrow! lol ...and now I'm off for my hike with Zoe!

Talk soon Ladies!
Love Anne .... xoxo