If you would like to send me a private message please email me at anneking_kindlifeadventure@hotmail.com

I am happy to answer any and all questions and to keep a more private conversation for those who don't like posting in comments :) Luv and Stuff, Anne

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter.... Apparently a Celebration of Too Much Food!

“This is my life. It is my one time to be me. I want to experience every good thing.” - Maya Angelou

So I picked a funny day to start my new "Kind Life," didn't I? I work at group homes for the mentally challenged (or disabled). I love my job, absolutely LOVE it. However, having to cook a full on turkey dinner for my clients was my first challenge I have had to face. Considering that I have just yesterday decided to give up meat, the smell of the turkey cooking, (and I'm not going to lie about it), was somewhat tempting. I happen to be a pretty good cook, obviously or how else would I get to 250 pounds right! lol But I do actually love to cook. I enjoy watching other people enjoy the food I have made for them. Last night when I was at work and we were all sitting around the dinner table and I was eating this rather large plate of Kale salad I had made and my clients were all enjoying the turkey dinner I had a few questions to answer... Mainly, "Why aren't you eating?" And I said, "I am eating, just not what you're eating. And what I'm eating taste really good too!" My client looked at my plate, gave me a disgusted look and then went back to eating her turkey dinner! lol

So yes, being that I am human and that I just gave up meat yesterday, last night was a bit of a struggle. But deep inside I found some inner strength to pull my head out and realize that this is bigger than I am. If I want to stand for something I have to stand for it. I call myself an animal activist, but I never truly walked the walk, just mainly did a lot of talking with a huge side dish of hypocrisy... Never mind the health benefits to myself that I have been missing out on!

I am going to tell you I have a few goals set out for this month. I have started my first goal of living a "Vegan Lifestyle," however there are a few more goals that come with this as well. Every day I am going to walk my dog on the hiking trail behind my house, besides the days when it rains.
1- Yes, I have a hiking trail behind my house! It just happens to be one that I have only been on once or twice... :) lol
2- Right now it may not seem like a lot for exercise, but a good hour and a half walk with my Zoe seems like a good starting point. I'll add more and change it up when I'm ready :)

I'm trying to be realistic in my approach. After all, I don't want to be that person that bites off more than they can chew, and then ends up giving up. It may sound like a small goal, and in truth, it is, but for now I would rather succeed at a small goal than lose at a big one. I am trying to build up my inner strength as well as my outer, so I don't want to mislead you by saying... "I'm going to run a half marathon in 2 months!" because realistically, I'm not. What I can tell you is this, one day I would love to run a half Marathon. If by my weight loss anniversary next year (April 4th 2011), I am fit enough, maybe then, but if not than it can wait until I'm ready. Like I said, succeed one step at a time rather than fail altogether, right?

As for pictures, I will try and get some up a.s.a.p! And I will also post my measurements tomorrow. If there are any other things that you would like to know stats wise, so you can see the before and after results, let me know! Like I said I would love your input!

Luv and Stuff, Anne K


  1. Good job resisting the turkey! That takes willpower. I will admitt it wont be a totally easy road but it will be worth it. Dont feel like hiking with Zoe is a small step! That is a big step, it is getting both of you moving and you both will enjoy it together. Not only are you doing something healthy for yourself you are passing it along to your pochy. Is Zoe a girl? What kind of dog is she? I have a 7yr old golden retriever, Cooper, and a 7 month old black lab/husky mix (rescue dog) Wybie. Both boys lol. I have been doing pretty good but had a little slip up today. I had a mini pack of m&m's. I also had an egg white omelet for breakfast. While that isnt so bad it isnt vegan. Sometimes I just miss being able to order a real sandwich at a coffee shop instead of being stuck with peanut butter all the time. It is funny that you mention the half marathon reference. Last year I walked one. This year my goal is to run it in Oct...ALthough I need to get really focused on my training for that. Keep up the good work and take it one day at a time. I know its challenging when you cook *good* food that you dont eat. I live in a house with 2 meat eaters, my bf and his son. So more often than not I am making 2 meals- the veggies-the fake meat or beans-and the real meat.

    Look forward to reading tomorrows post!

  2. Hey Jas!

    Yeah Zoe is my baby, she's a girl. Rescued from the SPCA. She is a pitbull. Most people are afraid of them, I have to admit I was one of them. When my husband and I went to the SPCA to adopt she was just too cute, with these enormous big brown eyes (they seriously look like a seals eyes...lol) and she had had a terrible life, so we brought her home and never looked back! She's like our surrogate child, since we don't have any of our own...and won't for a while...lol... she's a perfect fit! :)

    I totally undertand about the meat/non meat items... my husband would live on a diet of steak, chicken and fish if I let him! lol... However I was talking to him last night about it (my vegan lifestyle) and he is totally for it (for me) and he even agreed to cutting down his meat consumption and dinner time to three nights a week... so now I have to hop on the tofurkey band wagon and see if he notices a difference ... He told me he is "COMPLETELY AGAINST TOFO" ... lol... But I made this really great smoothy and instead of yogourt I replaced it with soft tofu...he loved it... and when I told him it had tofu he was a bit embarassed that he made such a fuss! lol...

    But yes... the two seperate dinners at night are a bit of a challenge! I totally understand! And don't fret, maybe becoming vegan for you isn't an option, maybe being vegetarian is a better lifestyle for you. Either way you are still living a healthier life! And a small bag of m&m's is a nice treat every once and a while...
    Just as long as it's every once and a while and not everyday! ;) lol

  3. oh and apparently I can't spell tofu... so we can celebrate that too! lol
